Writer | Performer
Aspiring authors need to read this book and so should you.
This is the best biography you will ever read about a man you've never heard of. Jim Tully's life was pure American. The grandson of an Irish immigrant, he was born and raised poor in the Midwest. He experienced the brutality and character of America firsthand, yet rose to unexpected heights and ended up in Hollywood. But you've never heard of him and that's because there is more to the story. Meticulously researched, well written, captivating. A lot of people will appreciate this book, especially biography fans. But if you're an aspiring author, you need to read this book about Jim Tully. I'd never heard of him and met the authors by chance, who told me they'd rather people read Tully's original work than this book, but I suggest you do both. It's time and money well spent.
May 20, 2015
I thought the author did an excellent job of chronicling the life of Jim Tully
I thought the author did an excellent job of chronicling the life of Jim Tully, whose real-life adventures are more interesting than many stories of fiction. I wonder if his blue-collar background prejudiced many literary critics regarding his writings.
May 20, 2015
Excellent book about a largely-forgotten author
Tully was unique and interesting. While he is largely forgotten today he was a powerful force in his day. I did not realize the extent of his fame nor the fact that he ran with the Hollywood set. It is fascinating.
J. Williams May 20, 2015
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